LexDAO Basics

JOIN the Guild. LEARN legal engineering. EARN reputation. USE LexDAO protocols to issue & lock your assets with legal code.

Meet the Guild

LexDAO is an association of lawyers and coders building smart contracts. This kind of "just happened" through Twitter. All of our source code, including legal templates and solidity scripts, are public goods in our library, LexCorpus.

LexDAO has three emergent community hooks:

Cooperative ⚔️

Non-profit member association selected for legal and coding aptitude. Permissioned.

Coop. supports education of legal engineers and production of smart contracts.

Introduce yourself for membership by joining our weekly calls (WED / FRI, 11 am ET): CHAT. 45 members. 1:1 votes.

DAO: 0x7938a822dFab3Fc318f5ECfC3C986089fa89f319


Mult-Sig (OPS) 🔐

Corps. 🗡️

Legal engineers certified from LexDAO Coop. Permissioned.

Reputation for legal & coding skills vouched for.

Corps. pushes code and products related to LexCorpus contracts, like LexToken & LexLocker.

DAO: 0x01B92E2C0D06325089c6Fd53C98a214f5C75B2aC

✋ Currently serves as "swift resolver" for LexLocker and related arbitration.

Collective 🌐

DAO: 0x9b78A81836bda21CAaA368d935A09EFB1B86316c

✋ Currently controls LexToken factory settings 🏭. Corps. is "crowd wisdom" faucet for LexDAO protocols. Represented by $LEX token distribution which reward contributions to LexCorpus and beta testers.


Last updated